Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Cloud'
  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-8092

Voting and Watching Permission


    • 12
    • 8
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      Atlassian Update – 13 Jan 2016

      Hi everyone,

      Thanks for voting and commenting on this issue. Your feedback is key to helping us understand how you use JIRA so we can continue improving your experience. We have reviewed this issue over the last few days.

      We are certainly working to make JIRA more flexible on a per-project basis so that it's easier for a variety of teams to adapt it. Voting and watching certainly fall under this category. While this issue is not currently on our roadmap, we do hope to address this in the future.

      Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

      Daniel Franz
      Principal Product Manager, JIRA Platform

      There should be a project permission to restrict which users can vote or watch for an issue.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            brian@atlassian.com BrianH
            181 Vote for this issue
            84 Start watching this issue
