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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-80660

The REST API "expand=renderedField" option does not convert to HTML properly if there are code decorator in it


      Issue Summary

      This is reproducible on Data Center: (yes) / (no)

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Have a custom rich text field on your issues or just use the description field
      2. Encapsulate any text with "code" in the field mentioned above. Here are the text that I have encapsulated in code

        For context, I have used the following option to encapsulate it in "code"
      3. append the following on your Jira site base URL /rest/api/3/issue/ {issue_key}?expand=renderedFields
        Please replace {issue_key}

        with the appropriate issue key

      Expected Results

      It should show a proper encapsulation of code with the code tag of HTML

      Actual Results

      The HTML appears to be malformed






      no workaround found at the moment

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