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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-78405

GET /rest/api/3/user/columns doesn't return information about collapsed fields


      Issue Summary

      Fields with the same name are collapsed on the front-end and shown as one field but when I send this request, the randomly first duplicated field will be returned in the response payload

      GET /rest/api/3/user/columns 


      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a field with the same name and field type in a few projects.
      2. Open the advanced issue search page, add this field as a column. You will see that only one field is shown and it shows values for each such field in all projects.
      3. Send GET /rest/api/3/user/columns, it only returns one of those collapsed fields.

      Expected Results

      GET /rest/api/3/user/columns should return all collapsed fields.

        { "label": "Issue Type", "value": "issuetype" },
        { "label": "Key", "value": "issuekey" },
        { "label": "Dev Team", "value": "customfield_10110" },
        { "label": "Dev Team", "value": "customfield_10111" }

      Actual Results

      It includes only randomly first duplicated field in the response body

        { "label": "Issue Type", "value": "issuetype" },
        { "label": "Key", "value": "issuekey" },
        { "label": "Dev Team", "value": "customfield_10110" }


      Get all fields on the site, compare each value and find collapsed fields manually.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            vsaienko Vitalii Saienko (Inactive)
            1 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
