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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-78371

Pasting a paragraph or a sentence in the "Multiline Text field" with issue-keys do not render smart links


    • 6
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.


      The customer imported a few issues in which the Description field had multiline text and those paragraphs also included a few Issue-keys from the same project. However, those issue-keys do not render as links.

      How to Replicate:

      • Have a Wiki Style Renderer enabled on the "Description" field.
      • Type a paragraph or couple of lines and in between those include a few issue-keys from the site or the same project.
      • Click on SAVE

      Expected Result:

      The Issue Keys need to render as smart links or URLs in the description field when pasted along with other text.

      Actual Result:

      The Issue keys do not get rendered into smart links or URLs. The trigger to resolve them to smart links doesn't work when pasting the content in the Description field.


      • The Issue-key rendering happens when there is a key event triggered by the "Space" or "Enter" key. Only when you place a cursor at the immediate right on the issue-key and press one of the above keys on the keyboard the issue-keys are detected and resolved to smart links.
      • This can surely work for a few imported tickets or one of the tickets that a user is editing. However, performing these edits on every ticket throughout the site would be difficult.

      Uploading the above behavior in this ticket for reference.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            1846b5d55690 Vaibhav Revankar
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