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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-77927

User displayed as removed in CSV exports even though it is active


      Issue Summary

      Currently, the CSV export uses username information in user related fields (see JRACLOUD-72088).

      When you remove an user, it turns it as an inactive user instantly, and its information will be converted to "removed..." in the database due to GDPR:

      Problem is that, even though you re-invite the same user (with the very same email address), Jira will map it back to the previous existing user, but the user related information will still be displayed as removed in the CSV export:

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Invite a user (e.g. example@example.com);
      • Set that user as assignee and/or reporter in an issue;
      • Remove the user via site administration;
      • Export that issue to CSV;
        • User will be displayed as "removed...";
      • Invite the user (very same email address) back;
      • Export that same issue to CSV again.

      Expected Results

      User related information will reflect the current active user.

      Actual Results

      User related information will be displayed as "removed...".


      None at the moment.

        1. removedUser2.png
          19 kB
        2. removedUser.png
          18 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            lalmeida@atlassian.com Leonardo De Almeida
            16 Vote for this issue
            29 Start watching this issue
