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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-77828

Improve time entry format on new issue view's date time picker custom field


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    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.


      Date and time picker field currently does not accept custom AM and PM times and has to be input in a specific format to display correctly.


      Jira Software Cloud
      New Issue View

      Steps to Reproduce

      In new issue view, results of inputs in a custom date time picker fields are:

      • 9:42 AM -> Blank input
      • 09:42 AM -> Works as expected
      • 9:42 PM -> Blank input
      • 09:42 PM -> Changes to 9:42 AM
      • 21:42 -> 9:42 PM

      Outside of this, customers do have the option use a dropdown menu to select time in AM and PM in 30 minute increments.

      Expected Results

      Customers should be able to input time in 12 hour formats into the date time picker without having to make any edits like the ones in the previous section.

      Actual Results

      Inputs blanking out based on the format they are added in.
      (covered in Steps to Reproduce)


      Currently the only workaround is shown in the steps to reproduce section,
      i.e. by inputting time in specific formats as displayed.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            8f5fbb2c1b48 Mayank Kashyap (Inactive)
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