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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-77480

Using bulk operations to move issues between team and company projects does not warn users of data loss regarding Epic relations


      Issue Summary

      When issues are moved between team and company projects and there exists an epic with child issues in it, this Epic relationship is completely lost in the course of moving these issues into a company managed project. See JSWCLOUD-17221 for a context of history on this issue.

      While JSWCLOUD-18643 sought to maintain this relationship, instead the resolution in that ticket indicates that a warning banner is now provided when users try to move a single issue of type Epic in a team managed project.

      Unfortunately, the Bulk operations are not also displaying this warning during the move. Which results in customers moving these issues and losing that epic/child relation data on their issues

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a team managed project with an Epic
      2. Assign some issues to that Epic
      3. Using the bulk operations, move multiple issues in that project including the epic to a Company managed project

      Expected Results

      We expect to see the same kind of warning we see when moving an epic to a different project.

      Actual Results

      No such warning appears.



        1. bulkmovenowarnsad.png
          352 kB
          Andy Heinzer
        2. movesingleepic.png
          262 kB
          Andy Heinzer
        3. Screen Recording 2021-10-01 at 3.04.59 PM.mov
          48.97 MB
          Lovely Kumari
        4. Screen Recording 2021-10-01 at 3.24.28 PM.mov
          31.91 MB
          Lovely Kumari
        5. Screen Recording 2021-10-01 at 4.18.30 PM.mov
          55.93 MB
          Lovely Kumari

            Unassigned Unassigned
            aheinzer Andy Heinzer
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