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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-76913

Changing Language settings allows duplication of the system fields Summary and Description


      Issue Summary

      You should not be able to name a custom field the same as a reserved system field name, however, If you Change profile language to another language, in the example, I am using Portuguese, the System fields "Summary" and "Description" are translated to “Resumo” and “Descrição”, this allows you to then create Custom fields named "Summary" and "Description" and save a screen with the duplicate field names reserved for the system fields. When changing back to English, or if another user with English as their profile language, logs in it shows an error

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Change the my language  settings to a language that is not English .
      2. go to the project settings page, choose issue type, e.g. Story, and create custom fields named "Description" and "Summary"
      3. Either set Language back to English or log in as a separate user with the language set to English.
      4. Go back to the Settings page for Story

      Expected Results

      User is not permitted to duplicated the reserved system name fields "Summary" or Description" at reproduction step 2

      Actual Results

      • 4 red error icons that filed names are wrong.
      You're trying to create a field with the same name.  Rename it, or remove it and use this one instead


      You must change the language setting back to the alternate language to be able to Delete the duplicate fields or rename them to something like "Summary2" and "Description2" and save any changes due to the error preventing saving the setting change

            Unassigned Unassigned
            emccutcheon Earl McCutcheon
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