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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-76155

Previous comment text is appearing while adding a new comment


      Issue Summary

      The customer sees his previous comment text while adding a new comment.

      1. When a customer tries adding a new comment to an issue, he sees his previous comment text in the new comment box. [attachment1.png]

      2. When he removed the previous comment from the new comment box, the view is as attached:  [attachment2.png]

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Incognito mode is working fine and is only reproducible in the customer's normal Chrome browser.

      Expected Results

      The new comment box should not be updated with the previous text.

      Actual Results

      The customer sees the previous text in the new comment box.


      Since this is the localStorage issue, and as mitigation, cleaning up the localStorage via Chrome DevTools panel should help. It won't solve the issue for good, but similar to the incognito mode it will remove those existing stored values, so at least there will be fewer IssueView comments affected.

        1. attachment1.png
          451 kB
        2. attachment2.png
          419 kB

              47567e5729ac Dane Harnett
              ssingh7@atlassian.com Sugandha Singh
              23 Vote for this issue
              22 Start watching this issue
