Resolution: Unresolved
Several ADF types are not rendering similar HTML that is output via the new issue view.
Eg, an ADF "status" block renders the following html on the new issue view:
<p data-renderer-start-pos="1"><span class="status-lozenge-span" title="AUTOMATION:" data-node-type="status" data-color="blue"><span class="css-on81so"><span class="css-q5kkvr">AUTOMATION:</span></span></span>This is a test of our Jira automation system</p>
However, it returns the following rendered HTML when accessed via the v3 REST API (using GET /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey} and including the "expand: renderedFields" option.
<p><font color=\"blue\"><b>[ AUTOMATION: ]</b></font>This is a test of our Jira automation system</p>
This output is overly simplified and looks nothing like what it does rendered on the new issue view. (I do understand that associated CSS needs to go with this, but one can not even come close to approximating it based on the latter output).
Because of this, there is really no simple way to display the contents of an ADF in a manner similar to what the new issue view is doing.
This leads me back to the (somewhat common) request for some sort of rendering interface that would take ADF and return at least a similar semblance of HTML to what is used across your platforms.
Note: my specific problem is that I am using a field that an issue assignee updates in Jira's new issue view with customer notes, then upon and automated transition triggering a webhook that extracts it and formats into an html document that is then emailed to the customer. However, IMO, there is a pretty big disparity between what the issue assignee crafts/wysiwyg's into this field and then how the customer ends up seeing it in their email.
So much for WYSIWYG. I did think it meant: What You See Is Sort Of What You Get Depending On How You Access It!
- is related to
JRACLOUD-71136 The /rest/api/3/search endpoint does not return comments and worklog comments as HTML even if we pass parameter expand=renderedFields. Everything works fine using the v2 endpoint
- Long Term Backlog
JRACLOUD-83203 [Tracked in Issue Links] Jira Cloud bugs re expand=renderedFields
- Gathering Interest