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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-73508

Formatted "markdown" text doesn't work on the new WYSIWYG editor


      Status Update - 8th Dec 2023

      Hi everyone,

      Thanks again for your feedback and patience on this issue. I'm please to share that we have recently shipped an update within both Jira and Confluence to support pasting of rich-text markdown. If you dont see this right away, it should be with you any day now. 

      When you paste markdown in the editor, if its not plain text (which should auto-format) you'll see a paste options toolbar allowing you to transform the text as Markdown or even strip out the formatting to leave it as plain text. For now, this is only when pasting from an external source (i.e. not Jira to Jira). 

      I'm going to close this issue now that the core problem raised has now been addressed. 


      Issue Summary

      Formatted "markdown" text doesn't work on the new WYSIWYG editor

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a template using the markdown syntax
      2. Paste on a comment or description using the new issue view

      Expected Results

      The text will show correctly.

      Actual Results

      It won't be correctly formatted and it will be necessary to manually format everything.


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

            5dd6d3cdd988 Kieran Gray
            adaluz Angélica Luz
            136 Vote for this issue
            93 Start watching this issue
