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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-73270

When attempting to access more than 1000+ results in List view, the issue navigator will be frozen



      When using a JQL that returns more than 1000 issues, attempting to navigate to pages in List View until it displays 1001+ (usually page 21 and above) will result in the issue navigator freezing.

       Steps to Reproduce

      1. Make sure that the JIRA instance has more than 1000 issues.
      2. Go to the issue navigator (List View) and run a JQL that returns more than 1000 issues.
      3. Navigate the pages until it will display issues 1001-xxxx of xxxx where xxxx is the total number of issues in the # projects. This is usually on page 21 or above by default.


       Expected Results

      The Issue navigator will return issues 1001 and so on in the page.

        Actual Results

      The issue navigator will be stuck loading but nothing will load at all.
      The rest of the JIRA UI will still be responsive.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            jgan Jonathan Gan (Inactive)
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