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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-72045

Message Custom Field on new issue view do not display correctly


      Atlassian Update - 27 May 2021
      Hi everyone,
      This has now been fixed for message custom fields (for view) - these now appear as read only in the new issue view and reflect markdown input. As noted in this ticket, there is no longer an edit screen in the new issue view, so the message custom field (for edit) is no longer available on this screen. 
      The Atlassian Cloud team



      When using the read-only Message Custom Field (for edit) and the Message Custom Field (for view) fields provided by the JIRA Toolkit Plugin which are designed to only display on either the view or edit screens and allow markdown inputs via the fields by default, and you switch to the new issue view the fields both become visible, and editable in the layout configurations and no longer render correctly as view and edit screens are now combined and the view uses a new editor not compatible with the markdown. however while the fields become editable the modifications are temporary and the fields will reset to the default values on a page reload if changed.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. With new issue view disabled
      2. Add Message Custom Field (for edit) and the Message Custom Field (for view) to a screen used by both view issue and edit issue screens per the projects screen scheme
      3. Set defaults for the fields and add markdown to the text
      4. View the issue Note only Message Custom Field (for view) is visible markdown is rendered correctly
      5. Edit the issue Note that only Message Custom Field (for edit) is visible markdown is rendered correctly
      6. enable new issue view

      Expected Results

      When viewing the issue only Message Custom Field (for view) is visible and markdown is rendered correctly, and Message Custom Field (for edit) is no longer available as there is no longer an edit screen

      Actual Results

      Both fields are visible and markdown is rendered as plain text, the read-only values can be edited


      While the fields are editable in the new view the changes will reset to the default value on page refresh causing confusion as to why the value is changing
      It has been mentioned that the new issue view does not support Markup but supports markdown. After testing Markdown, this does not work either in this type of field.


      There is no current work around

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              emccutcheon Earl McCutcheon
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