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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-71384

Misleading Time in Status custom field type



      In Jira cloud, the [CHART]Time in Status which is using the customer field type Time in Status is used for reporting in average time in status gadget. Within the custom field configuration, a user is allowed to create a custom field using the Time in Status type. This can further be misinterpreted as a standard field type containing data that is user readable.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a new custom field
      2. Choose the type Time in Status.

      Expected Results

      Time in Status should not be configurable as this field type is not meant to contain data that can be directly used by end users.

      Actual Results

      Time in Status can be configured and further be added to screens. The actual field created cannot be edited nor viewed.


      JRACLOUD-60841 is the existing feature request to actually allow reporting of time in status for individual Jira issues.

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            rmacalinao Ramon M
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