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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-70177

Saving a filter does not create and save a filter column configuration



      Saving a filter does not create and save a filter column configuration. This is problematic for filters that are created for subscriptions as the filter owner is expecting that the columns configured will remain the same. Instead, the subscription will be based on the user's default column preference.

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Do a JQL search
      • Set the columns to Key, Assignee, Reporter
      • Save the filter and check the Filter column configuration
      • Open another filter and set a "My Default" column configuration to Key, Project
      • Revisit the previously saved filter and open the Filter column settings.

      Expected Results

      The Filter column settings should indicate Key, Assignee, Reporter

      Actual Results

      The Filter column uses the My Default settings (Key, Project)


      When saving a filter make sure to click on Done under the Filter column configuration. This will save the filter column configuration.

        1. Done after save.png
          Done after save.png
          53 kB
        2. Filter.png
          51 kB
        3. filter after save.png
          filter after save.png
          51 kB
        4. My default.png
          My default.png
          53 kB
        5. My default.png
          My default.png
          53 kB
        6. My default.png
          My default.png
          53 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rmacalinao Ramon M
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