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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-68830

Fix Documentation for the user picker fields


      Doc Link:


      Current Documentation:

      How to filter users for user picker fields

      You can limit the set of users available in your user picker field to specific groups or project roles. To filter users, follow these steps: 

      1. Select Jira home > Settings > Issues.
      2. In the Fields section, click Custom Fields.
      3. Find the custom field you want to configure and click   > Configure > Edit Options > Edit User Filtering.
      4. Click Enable group or project role filtering, then specify the groups and roles that you want to limit the user picker to.
        The user picker will only show users that are in the groups and roles selected.
      5. Click Save.


      • Group/Project role filter is only possible for the custom field type User Picker (single user). Cannot follow this KB if the user selects a User Picker (multiple users)
      • Causing confusion if the Admin user is following Step 3,  since the option is not there
      • Admin Expects this:

      • But instead see only this when using User Picker (multiple users)

      Feature request for User Picker (muti users)


      • Modify KB to specific only User Picker (single user)

            hbegg Hannah McKenzie
            jromero@atlassian.com Jose R. (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
