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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-68207

Using REST API the issue type can be changed when workflows are completely different


      Update 25 August 2022

      Hi everyone, thanks for your patience on this. We released a fix early-August that has improved the validation when changing issue type using REST API. The improved validation rules are

      • The REST API fails if one of the source and target issue type is subtask, but the other one is not.
      • The REST API fails if the workflow of the target issue type does not have the current status of the issue.

      This dealt with the majority of cases which cause issues to be in invalid states. While this allows a large number of existing automation rules to keep working without any changes, some automation rules may require a few changes in the workflow.

      We are now moving towards closing this bug. If you are still encountering issues please reach out so we can learn more about your use case and create a bug to track it.

      Jira Cloud Engineering


      When REST PUT  is made to change the request type of an issue that has a completely different workflow is made, the result is a success. This shouldn't be the case as a change like this invalidates the workflow.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create two workflows with different status
      2. Associate issue type separately to the two workflows created above
      3. Create two Jira issue and set each request type to the workflows created earlier
      4. If you attempt to change the issue type from the UI, it won't be possible.  
      5. If you attempt to change the issue type via REST api, the issue type is changed. This shouldn't be possible.

      For Example:
      PUT https://<instancename>.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/SDD-17\\ 
      "fields": {"issuetype":{"id":10002}}

      Expected Results

      An error should be returned that this is not possible.

      Actual Results

      A successful execution is returned.


      The API also bypasses field configuration settings, ignoring the issue move screen.


      Currently none. 


            17d6fe84a1df Meng Zhou
            sayanloye Shakiru Ayanloye (Inactive)
            193 Vote for this issue
            150 Start watching this issue
