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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-67563

Add the Announcement Banner to JIRA new experience view


    • 25
    • 58
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      12 October 2021
      Thank you for your votes and comments on this ticket. 
      Quick update, we've run some tests and we will be ready to start delivering the announcement banner this month. Good news is it will be even better than the server option with an admin being able to choose whether the banner is dismissible by users.
      All goes well and it will be available in your instance before November 2021. Thank you for your patience.
      Yerbol Nisanbayev
      Senior Product Manager, Jira

      Current Behavior.

      Announcement Banners cannot be viewed or configured in JIRA's new experience view.

      Desired Behavior.

      As an admin, I would like to have the Announcement Banner in the new UI.

        1. image-2021-10-12-10-14-46-848.png
          292 kB
          Yerbol Nisanbayev
        2. Screen Shot 2018-03-29 at 1.03.19 AM.png
          67 kB
          Joel Davis

              3947164d8b7f Yerbol Nisanbayev (Inactive)
              pjunior Paulo Junior (Inactive)
              810 Vote for this issue
              405 Start watching this issue
