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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-59181

Ability search for all issues under a given Epic (including subtasks)


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      Atlassian Update – 14 February 2017

      Hi everyone,

      We have recently added support for this in JIRA Cloud with the release of a new JQL function called parentEpic. Searching with parentEpic will return all the issues in the specified epic(s) AND their sub-tasks. The syntax is a little bit different than a standard JQL functions – it's more like searching with a field. So

      project = JRA and parentEpic = JRA-123

      will return all issues and sub-tasks in the JRA project that are in the JRA-123 epic. The function also supports the != , IN , and NOT IN operators. So you could also search something like

      project = JRA and parentEpic in (JRA-123, JRA-456)

      and you will get all issues and sub-tasks in either the JRA-123 or JRA-456 epics.

      Refer to the documentation for more information. Happy searching!

      Note: Currently we don't have a timeline on when this will be released in JIRA Server; however we will provide an update once we do.

      Dave Meyer
      Senior Product Manager, JIRA

      Problem Definition

      As a manager I want to be able to filter all the issues related to a specific Epic. Right now it is not possible to filter the subtasks without using a third party for this purpose. I believe this is a common need and should be added to JIRA Standard JQL search.

      Suggested Solution

      Create a function to return all issues related to Epic, like the one provided by tempo parent in tempoEpicIssues(XXX-####, YYY-###, ZZZ-####).
      This would allow searchs like: "Epic Link" in (XXX-####, YYY-###, ZZZ-####) OR parent in tempoEpicIssues(XXX-####, YYY-###, ZZZ-####).


      Install and add-on to provide the list of issues in a given Epic so the above suggestion can be used.
      This thread talks about some options: JQL to show all issues AND subtasks in the Epic.

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