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Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Platform Cloud'
  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-37057

As an administrator, I would like to be able to grant permissions to browse projects and to browse issues independently

    • 0
    • 7
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      Currently, these two permissions are combined within the one "Browse Projects" permission.

      The double personality of this permission causes confusion to administrator users as it is not obvious how the issue-specific values for these permissions ("security types" in JIRA code-speak) should behave in the project meaning of those permissions.

      Examples of these values are: "Current Assignee", "Current Reporter" ...

      mlassau has agreed to provide architectural advice and technical review for this work.

      mlassau Could you please add initial design/implementation notes for aglowacki here?

      Thanks mate.

      CC: vosipov

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Platform Cloud'
            1. Jira Platform Cloud
            2. JRACLOUD-37057

            As an administrator, I would like to be able to grant permissions to browse projects and to browse issues independently

              • 0
              • 7
              • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

                NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

                Currently, these two permissions are combined within the one "Browse Projects" permission.

                The double personality of this permission causes confusion to administrator users as it is not obvious how the issue-specific values for these permissions ("security types" in JIRA code-speak) should behave in the project meaning of those permissions.

                Examples of these values are: "Current Assignee", "Current Reporter" ...

                mlassau has agreed to provide architectural advice and technical review for this work.

                mlassau Could you please add initial design/implementation notes for aglowacki here?

                Thanks mate.

                CC: vosipov

                        Unassigned Unassigned
                        ohernandez@atlassian.com Oswaldo Hernandez (Inactive)
                        8 Vote for this issue
                        15 Start watching this issue


                            Unassigned Unassigned
                            ohernandez@atlassian.com Oswaldo Hernandez (Inactive)
                            8 Vote for this issue
                            15 Start watching this issue
