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If the problem persists, contact your Jira admin.
IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.

    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      Atlassian Update – 2 May 2018

      Hi everyone,

      I am excited to give an update re: this issue. We have made the autocomplete search functionality to be case insensitive when searching within the label field, or a custom field that uses the custom field type of labels. 

      This means when searching for a label within the issue detail view, or basic JQL, the results returned will be case insensitive. Users can still create a separate label that is a different case. E.g. 'Taylor' and 'taylor' will be stored as two different labels if you want to do so.

      We believe that making the autocomplete search functionality case insensitive, it will prevent users from creating derivative labels of the same name because users will see all available options regardless of case. At the same time, users are still able to create specific labels by case if they need to. E.g. 'Taylor' and 'taylor' will be stored as two different labels, which is existing functionality. 

      This should make it much more usable moving forward without negatively affecting what is currently stored as labels in your projects today.

      If you have any questions or would like to see anything else re: this issue, please add your comments below.



      Taylor Pechacek
      Senior Product Manager, Jira

      Problem Definition

      When applying a label, JIRA will not find existing labels that have a different case:

      Basic search has the same behavior:

      An advanced search, using JQL, will find all labels and is case insensitive.


      returns all results.

      Suggested Solution

      Labels should be case insensitive. That is, if an issue already has a label Australia then it shouldn't allow a second label AUSTRALIA

      There isn't any use to be able to label an issue as Australia, australia and AUSTRALIA because searching for the word Australia in any case will return the issue.

        1. backlog.png
          17 kB
        2. Casesensitive_1.png
          9 kB
        3. Casesensitive_2.png
          10 kB
        4. cis.JPG
          16 kB
        5. Confluence_Label_Sensitivity.jpg
          22 kB
        6. cs.JPG
          18 kB
        7. jira_checker.py
          7 kB
        8. Label_search_not_case-insensitive.jpg
          80 kB
        9. listLabels.py
          6 kB
        10. Screen shot 2012-05-11 at 2.01.32 PM.png
          Screen shot 2012-05-11 at 2.01.32 PM.png
          52 kB
        11. Screen Shot 2015-05-13 at 10.05.33.jpg
          Screen Shot 2015-05-13 at 10.05.33.jpg
          28 kB
        12. Screen Shot 2015-05-13 at 10.05.41.jpg
          Screen Shot 2015-05-13 at 10.05.41.jpg
          21 kB

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.

              • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

                NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

                Atlassian Update – 2 May 2018

                Hi everyone,

                I am excited to give an update re: this issue. We have made the autocomplete search functionality to be case insensitive when searching within the label field, or a custom field that uses the custom field type of labels. 

                This means when searching for a label within the issue detail view, or basic JQL, the results returned will be case insensitive. Users can still create a separate label that is a different case. E.g. 'Taylor' and 'taylor' will be stored as two different labels if you want to do so.

                We believe that making the autocomplete search functionality case insensitive, it will prevent users from creating derivative labels of the same name because users will see all available options regardless of case. At the same time, users are still able to create specific labels by case if they need to. E.g. 'Taylor' and 'taylor' will be stored as two different labels, which is existing functionality. 

                This should make it much more usable moving forward without negatively affecting what is currently stored as labels in your projects today.

                If you have any questions or would like to see anything else re: this issue, please add your comments below.



                Taylor Pechacek
                Senior Product Manager, Jira

                Problem Definition

                When applying a label, JIRA will not find existing labels that have a different case:

                Basic search has the same behavior:

                An advanced search, using JQL, will find all labels and is case insensitive.


                returns all results.

                Suggested Solution

                Labels should be case insensitive. That is, if an issue already has a label Australia then it shouldn't allow a second label AUSTRALIA

                There isn't any use to be able to label an issue as Australia, australia and AUSTRALIA because searching for the word Australia in any case will return the issue.

                  1. backlog.png
                    17 kB
                  2. Casesensitive_1.png
                    9 kB
                  3. Casesensitive_2.png
                    10 kB
                  4. cis.JPG
                    16 kB
                  5. Confluence_Label_Sensitivity.jpg
                    22 kB
                  6. cs.JPG
                    18 kB
                  7. jira_checker.py
                    7 kB
                  8. Label_search_not_case-insensitive.jpg
                    80 kB
                  9. listLabels.py
                    6 kB
                  10. Screen shot 2012-05-11 at 2.01.32 PM.png
                    Screen shot 2012-05-11 at 2.01.32 PM.png
                    52 kB
                  11. Screen Shot 2015-05-13 at 10.05.33.jpg
                    Screen Shot 2015-05-13 at 10.05.33.jpg
                    28 kB
                  12. Screen Shot 2015-05-13 at 10.05.41.jpg
                    Screen Shot 2015-05-13 at 10.05.41.jpg
                    21 kB

                        Unassigned Unassigned
                        adc6ee404f6d Jeff Kirby
                        631 Vote for this issue
                        249 Start watching this issue


                            Unassigned Unassigned
                            adc6ee404f6d Jeff Kirby
                            631 Vote for this issue
                            249 Start watching this issue
