Atlassian Update: 12 July 2021

      Hi all,

      Thanks for participating in this issue, either by voting, commented or just watching. We highly value your feedback in all forms, and through suggestions in is not different. We use this channel often to learn the best we can with how customers use JIRA and how we can continue to improve the experience for as many users as possible.

      We're glad to announce that we shipped a wildcard search for version fields.

      Until now version searches supported only exact matches, e.g. fixVersion = “9.0”

      With the wildcard version search it is also possible to search for partial matches. E.g. to find issues fixed in any version starting with “9.”, one can use the search fixVersion ~ “9.*”

      Version fields are:

      • Affected version
      • Fix version
      • Custom fields that use the "Version Picker".

      Soon you'll be able to read more about it in the article about Advanced search here.


      Łukasz Jarzembowski

      Jira Cloud 

      With the release of JIRA 4.3, users can now specify a fix or affects version with a wildcard symbol in the Quick Search box (eg ff:4.*). Would be great to have the same functionality in JQL.

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