Resolution: Fixed
6.4.4, 7.0.10, 7.1.6, 7.8.1
Severity 1 - Critical
Creating an XML Backup using Oracle JDBC driver doesn't properly export the Active Objects tables sequence definitions.
- JIRA Core / Software 7.0.x or JIRA Core / Software 7.1.x
- Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
Steps to Reproduce
- Connect JIRA to Oracle as per Connecting JIRA applications to Oracle.
- As recommended in our Supported platforms document, download the Oracle JDBC driver from Oracle's website and replace the existing ojdbc7 driver from the $JIRA_INSTALL/lib folder with the
- Create a project in JIRA and generate an XML Backup via /secure/admin/XmlBackup!default.jspa.
Expected Results
Sequence definitions for Active Object tables are exported.
This can be inspected by extracting the XML Backup and browsing the activeobjects.xml file.
Using the table AO_B9A0F0_APPLIED_TEMPLATE as an example, we would expect the autoIncrement attribute for the ID column definition (the primary key) set to true, as following:
<table name="AO_B9A0F0_APPLIED_TEMPLATE"> <column name="ID" primaryKey="true" autoIncrement="true" sqlType="2" precision="11"/> <column name="PROJECT_ID" primaryKey="false" autoIncrement="false" sqlType="2" precision="20"/> <column name="PROJECT_TEMPLATE_MODULE_KEY" primaryKey="false" autoIncrement="false" sqlType="12" precision="255"/> <column name="PROJECT_TEMPLATE_WEB_ITEM_KEY" primaryKey="false" autoIncrement="false" sqlType="12" precision="255"/> </table>
Actual Results
The primary keys for the tables in the activeobjects.xml file have their autoIncrement attribute set to false.
Using the previous example (AO_B9A0F0_APPLIED_TEMPLATE.ID)
<table name="AO_B9A0F0_APPLIED_TEMPLATE"> <column name="ID" primaryKey="true" autoIncrement="false" sqlType="2" precision="11"/> <column name="PROJECT_ID" primaryKey="false" autoIncrement="false" sqlType="2" precision="20"/> <column name="PROJECT_TEMPLATE_MODULE_KEY" primaryKey="false" autoIncrement="false" sqlType="12" precision="255"/> <column name="PROJECT_TEMPLATE_WEB_ITEM_KEY" primaryKey="false" autoIncrement="false" sqlType="12" precision="255"/> </table>
Business Impact
Importing this XML Backup into a new JIRA instance will corrupt the data and break several JIRA functionalities. For instance, creating a new project after importing a corrupted XML Backup will fail with the following exception:
2016-01-20 13:26:02,663 http-nio-8080-exec-3 ERROR admin 806x17642x1 6f8mxx, /rest/project-templates/1.0/templates [c.a.jira.project.ProjectCreateRegistrarImpl] The handler with id com.atlassian.jira.project-templates-plugin:apply-project-template-handler threw an exception while handling a notification about a project being created com.atlassian.activeobjects.internal.ActiveObjectsSqlException: There was a SQL exception thrown by the Active Objects library: Database: - name:Oracle - version:Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters and Automatic Storage Management options - minor version:1 - major version:12 Driver: - name:Oracle JDBC driver - version: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("JIRA716"."AO_B9A0F0_APPLIED_TEMPLATE"."ID")
- This was reproducible on JIRA 7.0.10 and 7.1.6.
- The existing implementation invokes DatabaseMetaData#getTables to retrieve the sequences in oracle with the types parameter being set as "SEQUENCE". However, due to a security patch - CVE-2016-3506, the "SEQUENCE" is not treated as legal input anymore.
- For regular backups, we recommend using the native database tools, as highlighted in our Backing up Data document.
- If an XML backup is required (e.g. to migrate to another database), use a different Oracle jdbc driver version temporarily (e.g.
- is related to
CONFSERVER-41721 AO sequences are missing in XML Backups created using the Oracle JDBC driver
- Closed
- relates to
JRASERVER-60604 Jira throws protocol violation error when reindexing due to outdated Oracle driver
- Closed
BSERV-8881 AO triggers are missing with the Backup Client when using Oracle JDBC driver
- Closed
CONFSERVER-41721 AO sequences are missing in XML Backups created using the Oracle JDBC driver
- Closed
JRASERVER-68476 Oracle Driver throws an exception - Invalid argument(s) in call
- Closed
JRASERVER-60007 Oracle Driver throws errors in the logs
- Gathering Impact
- is caused by
AO-3396 Loading...
- was cloned as
SIN-355 Loading...
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