Resolution: Won't Fix
3.11.2, 4.7.1
Using the Backup Client with Oracle JDBC driver doesn't properly export the Active Objects tables trigger definitions.
- Stash 3.11 and Bitbucket Server 4.7.1
- Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release
- Backup Client 1.9.1 and 2.0.0
Steps to Reproduce
- Connect Bitbucket Server to an Oracle database
- Replace the existing ojdbc7 driver from the <Bitbucket Server Installation>/lib folder with the
- Generate a backup using the Backup Client
Expected Results
Trigger definitions for Active Object tables are exported.
This can be inspected by extracting the Backup tar file and browsing the active-objects-data.xml file.
Using the table AO_FB71B4_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY as an example, we would expect the autoIncrement attribute for the ENTITY_ID column definition (the primary key) set to true, as following:
<table name="AO_FB71B4_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY"> <column name="ENTITY_ID" primaryKey="true" autoIncrement="true" sqlType="2" precision="11"/> <column name="KEY_MD5" primaryKey="false" autoIncrement="false" sqlType="12" precision="32"/> <column name="KEY_TEXT" primaryKey="false" autoIncrement="false" sqlType="2005" precision="2147483647"/> <column name="LABEL" primaryKey="false" autoIncrement="false" sqlType="12" precision="255"/> <column name="USER_ID" primaryKey="false" autoIncrement="false" sqlType="2" precision="11"/> </table>
Actual Results
The primary keys for the tables in the active-objects-data.xml file have their autoIncrement attribute set to false.
Using the previous example (AO_FB71B4_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY.ENTITY_ID)
<table name="AO_FB71B4_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY"> <column name="ENTITY_ID" primaryKey="true" autoIncrement="false" sqlType="2" precision="11"/> <column name="KEY_MD5" primaryKey="false" autoIncrement="false" sqlType="12" precision="32"/> <column name="KEY_TEXT" primaryKey="false" autoIncrement="false" sqlType="2005" precision="2147483647"/> <column name="LABEL" primaryKey="false" autoIncrement="false" sqlType="12" precision="255"/> <column name="USER_ID" primaryKey="false" autoIncrement="false" sqlType="2" precision="11"/> </table>
Business Impact
Restoring this backup into a Bitbucket Server instance will result in the triggers not being created and several pieces of functionality to break. For instance, adding a new SSH key results in the following error:
2016-06-20 07:51:45,406 ERROR [http-nio-8443-exec-1] @1asbx471x222x1 user, "POST /mvc/error500 HTTP/1.1" c.a.s.i.web.ErrorPageController There was an unhandled exception loading [/stash/plugins/servlet/ssh/account/keys/add] com.atlassian.activeobjects.internal.ActiveObjectsSqlException: There was a SQL exception thrown by the Active Objects library: Database: - name:Oracle - version:Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning and Automatic Storage Management options - minor version:1 - major version:12 Driver: - name:Oracle JDBC driver - version: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("STASH"."AO_FB71B4_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY"."ENTITY_ID")
The following other actions can also be impacted:
- Build status' can not be updated/added
- Branch permissions cannot be modified/created
Use the Oracle JDBC driver to perform the backup.
Alternatively, use the DIY Backup.
- is related to
CONFSERVER-41721 AO sequences are missing in XML Backups created using the Oracle JDBC driver
- Closed
JRASERVER-61007 AO sequences are missing in XML backups created using the Oracle JDBC driver
- Closed
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- mentioned in
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