Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Platform Cloud'
  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-65837

Creating a project using Reserved Words of JQL as project key breaks the new project navigation issue view

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Create a new project and use IN as the project key.
      2. Go to https://<instance name>/projects/IN/issues
        (This example we use IN, there are a list of reserved words on the comment below)

      Expected Behavior:

      • JIRA should display issues of IN project

      Current Behavior:

      • JIRA doesn't display any issues

      Checking from the network request /rest/issueNav/1/issueTable, it returns 404 Bad Request with the below response:

      {"errorMessages":["Error in JQL Query: Expecting either a value, list or function but got 'IN'. You must surround 'IN' in quotation marks to use it as a value. (line 1, character 11)"],"errors":{}}

      NOTE: it only affects the Project Navigation's issue panel, reverting to the old project view will workaround this issue at the mean time.

      Change the Project Key of your project. Make sure it avoids one of the Reserved JQL words (see this comment below).

            [JRACLOUD-65837] Creating a project using Reserved Words of JQL as project key breaks the new project navigation issue view

            Deepanshu Jain added a comment - - edited
            "abort", "access", "add", "after", "alias", "all", "alter", "and", "any", "as", "asc", "audit", "avg", "before", "begin", "between", "boolean", "break", "by", "byte", "catch", "cf", "char", "character", "check", "checkpoint", "collate", "collation", "column", "commit", "connect", "continue", "count", "create", "current", "date", "decimal", "declare", "decrement", "default", "defaults", "define", "delete", "delimiter", "desc", "difference", "distinct", "divide", "do", "double", "drop", "else", "empty", "encoding", "end", "equals", "escape", "exclusive", "exec", "execute", "exists", "explain", "false", "fetch", "file", "field", "first", "float", "for", "from", "function", "go", "goto", "grant", "greater", "group", "having", "identified", "if", "immediate", "in", "increment", "index", "initial", "inner", "inout", "input", "insert", "int", "integer", "intersect", "intersection", "into", "is", "isempty", "isnull", "join", "last", "left", "less", "like", "limit", "lock", "long", "max", "min", "minus", "mode", "modify", "modulo", "more", "multiply", "next", "noaudit", "not", "notin", "nowait", "null", "number", "object", "of", "on", "option", "or", "order", "outer", "output", "power", "previous", "prior", "privileges", "public", "raise", "raw", "remainder", "rename", "resource", "return", "returns", "revoke", "right", "row", "rowid", "rownum", "rows", "select", "session", "set", "share", "size", "sqrt", "start", "strict", "string", "subtract", "sum", "synonym", "table", "then", "to", "trans", "transaction", "trigger", "true", "uid", "union", "unique", "update", "user", "validate", "values", "view", "when", "whenever", "where", "while", "with"


            Deepanshu Jain added a comment - - edited "abort", "access", "add", "after", "alias", "all", "alter", "and", "any", "as", "asc", "audit", "avg", "before", "begin", "between", "boolean", "break", "by", "byte", "catch", "cf", "char", "character", "check", "checkpoint", "collate", "collation", "column", "commit", "connect", "continue", "count", "create", "current", "date", "decimal", "declare", "decrement", "default", "defaults", "define", "delete", "delimiter", "desc", "difference", "distinct", "divide", "do", "double", "drop", "else", "empty", "encoding", "end", "equals", "escape", "exclusive", "exec", "execute", "exists", "explain", "false", "fetch", "file", "field", "first", "float", "for", "from", "function", "go", "goto", "grant", "greater", "group", "having", "identified", "if", "immediate", "in", "increment", "index", "initial", "inner", "inout", "input", "insert", "int", "integer", "intersect", "intersection", "into", "is", "isempty", "isnull", "join", "last", "left", "less", "like", "limit", "lock", "long", "max", "min", "minus", "mode", "modify", "modulo", "more", "multiply", "next", "noaudit", "not", "notin", "nowait", "null", "number", "object", "of", "on", "option", "or", "order", "outer", "output", "power", "previous", "prior", "privileges", "public", "raise", "raw", "remainder", "rename", "resource", "return", "returns", "revoke", "right", "row", "rowid", "rownum", "rows", "select", "session", "set", "share", "size", "sqrt", "start", "strict", "string", "subtract", "sum", "synonym", "table", "then", "to", "trans", "transaction", "trigger", "true", "uid", "union", "unique", "update", "user", "validate", "values", "view", "when", "whenever", "where", "while", "with"  

            List of reserved words for JQL:

            "abort", "access", "add", "after", "alias", "all", "alter", "and", "any", "as", "asc", "audit", "avg", "before", "begin", "between", "boolean", "break", "by", "byte", "catch", "cf", "char", "character", "check", "checkpoint", "collate", "collation", "column", "commit", "connect", "continue", "count", "create", "current", "date", "decimal", "declare", "decrement", "default", "defaults", "define", "delete", "delimiter", "desc", "difference", "distinct", "divide", "do", "double", "drop", "else", "empty", "encoding", "end", "equals", "escape", "exclusive", "exec", "execute", "exists", "explain", "false", "fetch", "file", "field", "first", "float", "for", "from", "function", "go", "goto", "grant", "greater", "group", "having", "identified", "if", "immediate", "in", "increment", "index", "initial", "inner", "inout", "input", "insert", "int", "integer", "intersect", "intersection", "into", "is", "isempty", "isnull", "join", "last", "left", "less", "like", "limit", "lock", "long", "max", "min", "minus", "mode", "modify", "modulo", "more", "multiply", "next", "noaudit", "not", "notin", "nowait", "null", "number", "object", "of", "on", "option", "or", "order", "outer", "output", "power", "previous", "prior", "privileges", "public", "raise", "raw", "remainder", "rename", "resource", "return", "returns", "revoke", "right", "row", "rowid", "rownum", "rows", "select", "session", "set", "share", "size", "sqrt", "start", "strict", "string", "subtract", "sum", "synonym", "table", "then", "to", "trans", "transaction", "trigger", "true", "uid", "union", "unique", "update", "user", "validate", "values", "view", "when", "whenever", "where", "while", "with"

            Richie Gee (Inactive) added a comment - List of reserved words for JQL: "abort", "access", "add", "after", "alias", "all", "alter", "and", "any", "as", "asc", "audit", "avg", "before", "begin", "between", "boolean", "break", "by", "byte", "catch", "cf", "char", "character", "check", "checkpoint", "collate", "collation", "column", "commit", "connect", "continue", "count", "create", "current", "date", "decimal", "declare", "decrement", "default", "defaults", "define", "delete", "delimiter", "desc", "difference", "distinct", "divide", "do", "double", "drop", "else", "empty", "encoding", "end", "equals", "escape", "exclusive", "exec", "execute", "exists", "explain", "false", "fetch", "file", "field", "first", "float", "for", "from", "function", "go", "goto", "grant", "greater", "group", "having", "identified", "if", "immediate", "in", "increment", "index", "initial", "inner", "inout", "input", "insert", "int", "integer", "intersect", "intersection", "into", "is", "isempty", "isnull", "join", "last", "left", "less", "like", "limit", "lock", "long", "max", "min", "minus", "mode", "modify", "modulo", "more", "multiply", "next", "noaudit", "not", "notin", "nowait", "null", "number", "object", "of", "on", "option", "or", "order", "outer", "output", "power", "previous", "prior", "privileges", "public", "raise", "raw", "remainder", "rename", "resource", "return", "returns", "revoke", "right", "row", "rowid", "rownum", "rows", "select", "session", "set", "share", "size", "sqrt", "start", "strict", "string", "subtract", "sum", "synonym", "table", "then", "to", "trans", "transaction", "trigger", "true", "uid", "union", "unique", "update", "user", "validate", "values", "view", "when", "whenever", "where", "while", "with"

              ohernandez@atlassian.com Oswaldo Hernandez (Inactive)
              rsaputra Adven
              Affected customers:
              2 This affects my team
              12 Start watching this issue
