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  1. Advanced Roadmaps
  2. JPOSERVER-2394

As a Portfolio Admin, I should be able to access the administration section of Portfolio via UI

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    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • 3.25.0
    • 2.15.0
    • Permissions
    • None


      Currently, for users with Portfolio Admin permission without JIRA Admin permission will not be able to navigate to Portfolio administration pages. However, they can access the pages by accessing the direct URL.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Assign a user with application access to Portfolio Administrator permission. Make sure this user is not a JIRA Administrator.
      2. Login as this user and try accessing Portfolio Administration.

      Expected Results

      The user should be able to navigate to all the Portfolio Administration pages.

      Actual Results

      The user is directed to the Portfolio Permission page and then, there is no possible way to access the other Portfolio Administration pages.


      Since the pages are available for the user to be accessed, we can create links on Application Navigator:

      • Portfolio Permissions: <base URL>/secure/PortfolioPermissions.jspa
      • Portfolio License Details: <base URL>/secure/PortfolioLicenseDetails.jspa
      • Portfolio Hierarchy Configuration: <base URL>/secure/PortfolioHierarchy.jspa
      • Portfolio Dependencies: <base URL>/secure/PortfolioDependencySettings.jspa
      • Portfolio Beta Features: <base URL>/secure/PortfolioLabs.jspa

      Replace <base URL> with the respective value.

            418f60ec7d32 Chris Francuz
            mmuthusamy Moga
            atibrewal@atlassian.com Aakrity Tibrewal
