Resolution: Fixed
2.13.1, 2.15.0, 3.0.0, 3.29.0
Severity 3 - Minor
OS Ubuntu Server 16.04, Jira Software 7.1.10 , jdk 1.8.0_171-b11, Portfolio 2.13.1
OS Windows 10, Jira Software 7.10.1, jdk 1.8.0_172, Portfolio 2.13.3
Steps to Reproduce
- Start Jira and add the Due date, Target Start (e.g. customfield_10109), Target End (e.g. customfield_1011) fields to the create issue screen (e.g. for Epics)
- Shutdown Jira
- Set the timezone of the OS to UTC
- Start Jira
- Create an Epic using the rest interface of jira http://SERVER/rest/api/2/issue (POST)
{ "fields":{ "project":{ "key":"TP" }, "issuetype":{ "name":"Epic" }, "summary":"Some Epic", "duedate":"2018-03-03", "customfield_10104":"Some Epic", "customfield_10109":"2018-02-02", "customfield_10110":"2018-03-03" } }
- Issue will have the following values:
- Target start 2018-02-02
- Target end 2018-03-03
- Due date 2018-03-03
- Shutdown Jira
- Set the timezone of the OS to CEST
- Start Jira
- Create an Epic using the rest interface of jira http://SERVER/rest/api/2/issue (POST)
{ "fields":{ "project":{ "key":"TP" }, "issuetype":{ "name":"Epic" }, "summary":"Some Epic", "duedate":"2018-03-03", "customfield_10104":"Some Epic", "customfield_10109":"2018-02-02", "customfield_10110":"2018-03-03" } }
- Issue will have the following values:
- Target start 2018-02-01
- Target end 2018-03-02
- Due date 2018-03-03
Expected Results
The time zone of the operating system should not cause any problems.
Actual Results
One day is deducted from the Target start / Target end fields.
Note that this bug will impact rules configured with the add-on Automation for Jira, if these rules are automatically setting the Target Start and End fields from Advanced Roadmap. For more information, please refer to this KB article
- is duplicated by
JSWSERVER-21994 Target Start and Target End custom fields behave as though they were a day behind when system timezone is set to negative offsets
- Closed
JPOSERVER-2459 Target start/end field depends on system user timezone
- Closed
- is related to
JSWSERVER-21994 Target Start and Target End custom fields behave as though they were a day behind when system timezone is set to negative offsets
- Closed
- relates to
JRASERVER-76364 Target Start and Target End fields are exported with timezone shift
- Closed
JPO-17170 Loading...
- links to
- mentioned in
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