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  1. Advanced Roadmaps
  2. JPOSERVER-2358

Bug: Target Start and Target End fields store incorrect values in CEST within jira create rest calls

This issue belongs to an archived project. You can view it, but you can't modify it. Learn more



      OS Ubuntu Server 16.04, Jira Software 7.1.10 , jdk 1.8.0_171-b11, Portfolio 2.13.1
      OS Windows 10, Jira Software 7.10.1, jdk 1.8.0_172, Portfolio 2.13.3

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Start Jira and add the Due date, Target Start (e.g. customfield_10109), Target End (e.g. customfield_1011) fields to the create issue screen (e.g. for Epics)
      • Shutdown Jira
      • Set the timezone of the OS to UTC
      • Start Jira
      • Create an Epic using the rest interface of jira http://SERVER/rest/api/2/issue (POST)
              "summary":"Some Epic",
              "customfield_10104":"Some Epic",
      • Issue will have the following values:
        • Target start 2018-02-02
        • Target end 2018-03-03
        • Due date 2018-03-03
      • Shutdown Jira
      • Set the timezone of the OS to CEST
      • Start Jira
      • Create an Epic using the rest interface of jira http://SERVER/rest/api/2/issue (POST)
              "summary":"Some Epic",
              "customfield_10104":"Some Epic",
      • Issue will have the following values:
        • Target start 2018-02-01
        • Target end 2018-03-02
        • Due date 2018-03-03

      Expected Results

      The time zone of the operating system should not cause any problems.

      Actual Results

      One day is deducted from the Target start / Target end fields.


      Note that this bug will impact rules configured with the add-on Automation for Jira, if these rules are automatically setting the Target Start and End fields from Advanced Roadmap. For more information, please refer to this KB article

              08904538c6b6 Dong
              4b1e4721af2d Andreas Spall (evolu.software)
              atibrewal@atlassian.com Aakrity Tibrewal
