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  1. Automation for Jira Server

Make it easier to manage Automation notifications - who receives them, enabling/disabling notifications, new notifications for rule changes

    • 0
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      New notifications

      • Add an option to edit issue to treat Jira timeouts as errors to allow notifications - In some cases Jira timeouts may not lead to edits on the actual Jira instance, consider adding an option to do just that so rule owners can be notified.
      • Send notification for rules being created at the plugin - It would be good to have a notification for some users every time someone creates a new automation rule, for managing better the rules that are being created.
      • Automation should email the owner/collaborators of the rule when it is enabled/disabled - Mainly to cover the case of Automation automatically turning off failing rules after 10 schedules, but would probably be useful when another user disables your rule as well

      Ability to opt-out of execution limit warning email notifications / Or maybe reduce the frequency

      Allow users to turn off the "Issue updates available" notification

      It would be good to have the possibility to turn off the notifications sent by Automation regarding issues updates/creations/transitions.

      As the rule actor is actually an Automation add-on and not the initiator that did the action that triggered the rule, it's not possible to disable this even through profile settings.

      Allow a group or otherwise to receive notifications about rule failures

      Owners of a rule must currently be an individual account within Jira and can be notified if rules are failing. However, my team is the true owners of these rules, not just me as an individual — any team member of mine should be notified that things are failing and can take appropriate action.
      To that end, please allow one of the following:

      • The ability to set a Jira group as the owner of a rule, or
      • The ability to set multiple Jira users as the owners of a rule, or
      • The ability to set "project administrators" as someone who'll be notified of the failure, or
      • The ability to set emails as notification targets — perhaps maybe only claimed domains in the cloud to cut down on email spam, think of the Enterprise™ — or
      • Something else you can think of that would allow multiple users to be notified of rule failures.

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Automation for Jira Server'
            1. Automation for Jira Server
            2. JIRAAUTOSERVER-512

            Make it easier to manage Automation notifications - who receives them, enabling/disabling notifications, new notifications for rule changes

              • 0
              • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

                New notifications

                • Add an option to edit issue to treat Jira timeouts as errors to allow notifications - In some cases Jira timeouts may not lead to edits on the actual Jira instance, consider adding an option to do just that so rule owners can be notified.
                • Send notification for rules being created at the plugin - It would be good to have a notification for some users every time someone creates a new automation rule, for managing better the rules that are being created.
                • Automation should email the owner/collaborators of the rule when it is enabled/disabled - Mainly to cover the case of Automation automatically turning off failing rules after 10 schedules, but would probably be useful when another user disables your rule as well

                Ability to opt-out of execution limit warning email notifications / Or maybe reduce the frequency

                Allow users to turn off the "Issue updates available" notification

                It would be good to have the possibility to turn off the notifications sent by Automation regarding issues updates/creations/transitions.

                As the rule actor is actually an Automation add-on and not the initiator that did the action that triggered the rule, it's not possible to disable this even through profile settings.

                Allow a group or otherwise to receive notifications about rule failures

                Owners of a rule must currently be an individual account within Jira and can be notified if rules are failing. However, my team is the true owners of these rules, not just me as an individual — any team member of mine should be notified that things are failing and can take appropriate action.
                To that end, please allow one of the following:

                • The ability to set a Jira group as the owner of a rule, or
                • The ability to set multiple Jira users as the owners of a rule, or
                • The ability to set "project administrators" as someone who'll be notified of the failure, or
                • The ability to set emails as notification targets — perhaps maybe only claimed domains in the cloud to cut down on email spam, think of the Enterprise™ — or
                • Something else you can think of that would allow multiple users to be notified of rule failures.

                        Unassigned Unassigned
                        dgedda@atlassian.com Devisree Gedda
                        2 Vote for this issue
                        2 Start watching this issue


                            Unassigned Unassigned
                            dgedda@atlassian.com Devisree Gedda
                            2 Vote for this issue
                            2 Start watching this issue
