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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-7726

Enterprise Insights: export_dw.[<Work Item> Milestone] not setting [Deleted Flag] when the associated <Work Item> is deleted


    • 1
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • No

      Issue Summary

      When an <Work Item> is deleted, the associated [<Work Item> Milestones] are removed from the current_dw.[<Work Item> Milestone] view, but the same data is not marked with [Deleted Flag] = YES on the export_dw.[<Work Item> Milestone].
      See one example where the Epic 9025 was deleted, and on the current_dw, we can see that both Epics Milestones 174 and 175 doesn't appear anymore, but on export_dw, they continue to keep the [Deleted Flag] = NO:

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create an Epic on JA
      2. Add a milestone on it via Milestone Tab
      3. Wait for it to sync via ETL to EI
      4. Run a query on current_dw.[Epic Milestone] and export_dw.[Epic Milestone]
      5. Now on JA, delete the Epic
      6. Wait for it to sync via ETL to EI
      7. Run a query on current_dw.[Epic Milestone] and export_dw.[Epic Milestone]
      8. See how in the current_dw, the milestone doesn't exist anymore, but it doesn't have the [Deleted Flag] set as YES on export_dw

      Notice that this hapenns for Epics, Features and Capabilities.

      Expected Results

      When the <Work Item> is deleted, the Milestone would not be present on current_dw.[<Work Item> Milestone] and on export_dw.[<Work Item> Milestone] it would be marked as [Deleted Flag] = YES

      Actual Results

      When the <Work Item> is deleted, the Milestone is not present on current_dw.[<Work Item> Milestone] and on export_dw.[<Work Item> Milestone] it is marked as [Deleted Flag] = NO


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

        1. epicMilestones.png
          27 kB
          Diego Larangeira

              942a0c021598 Melissa Hartsock
              a8cff3407f0b Diego Larangeira
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              3 Start watching this issue
