Resolution: Fixed
Severity 2 - Major
Issue Summary
- Loading portfolio room sporadically throws "Whoops page cannot be displayed error.
- This occurs with "Theme PI Progress" widget enabled.
- ASP logs show deadlock errors.
- As per
JIRAALIGN-5892the widget "Theme PI Progress" causes slow load but does not run into deadlock error - This bug is specific to analyse the deadlock while loading Portfolio room with "Theme PI Progress" widget enabled.
This is reproducible on Jira Align Self Hosted: Yes
Steps to Reproduce
- Not replicable on demand and is sparodic
- Load the Portfolio Room Page while the toggle "Theme PI Progress" is enabled
Expected Results
Slow load time on Portfolio Room is expected as per JIRAALIGN-5892 but "Whoops" Error with Deadlock error is not expected.
Actual Results
Slow load time on Portfolio Room is expected as per JIRAALIGN-5892 but also runs run into "whoops" message with a deadlock error
The below exception is thrown in the ASP.log file:
"MessageTemplate": "SQLError", "fluentd_utc_timestamp": "2024-06-xxTxx:01:42.942691100Z", "Properties": { "ExceptionDetail": { "Source": "Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server", "StackTrace": " at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.ProcessResults(OleDbHResult hr) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.NextResult() at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteReaderInternal(CommandBehavior behavior, String method) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillInternal(DataSet dataset, DataTable[] datatables, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet) at AgileCraft.Legacy.AdodbRecordSet.GetReadOnlyDataSet(DbProviderFactory dbProviderFactory, String connectionString, String sql, DbParameter[] parameters, AdodbCommand command) in C:\\projects\\alignweb\\AgileCraft.Legacy\\Adodb\\AdodbRecordSet.vb:line 424 at AgileCraft.Legacy.AdodbRecordSet.Requery() in C:\\projects\\alignweb\\AgileCraft.Legacy\\Adodb\\AdodbRecordSet.vb:line 394 at AgileCraft.Legacy.PageFunctions.GetRSParamsCursor(String query, AdodbConnection conn, IEnumerable`1 sqlParams, Boolean bServerSide, String timeout) in C:\\xxx\\xxx\\AgileCraft.Legacy\\OOFunctions\\OOFunctionsSql.vb:line 215", "ErrorCode": -2147467259, "Errors": [ { "Source": "Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server", "NativeError": 1205, "SQLState": "40001", "Message": "Transaction (Process ID 114) was deadlocked on lock | communication buffer | generic waitable object resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction." }, { "Source": "Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server", "NativeError": 8153, "SQLState": "01003", "Message": "Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation." } ], "Type": "System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException", "HResult": -2147467259, "TargetSite": "Void ProcessResults(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbHResult)", "Message": "Transaction (Process ID 114) was deadlocked on lock | communication buffer | generic waitable object resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation." }, "logfrom_location": "Website-ASPNET", "HttpRequestUrl": "https://<ja_url>/AjaxFiles/AjaxPortfolioRoom.aspx?ActionType=17&themeID=XXX", "correlationid": "OjRAJFBgonSLVom/v59PqDTomDi4T6CxtCah0iKWVpc=", "UserName": "8xxx4", "SQL": "", "HttpRequestRawUrl": "/AjaxFiles/AjaxPortfolioRoom?ActionType=17&themeID=XX", "HttpRequestId": "59486e76-e524-4f6a-86a7-deb1359092a3", "version": "", "HttpRequestType": "GET", "error_id": "38034", "customer_db": "AgileCraft_XXXX", "server": "XXXXXX" }
Turn off the widget "Theme PI Progress" so that the page /AjaxFiles/AjaxPortfolioRoom?ActionType=17 is not called.
- is related to
JIRAALIGN-5892 Portfolio Room: Slow Performance On AjaxPortfolioRoom Calls
- Closed
- resolves
PS-168585 Loading...