Resolution: Fixed
Severity 3 - Minor
Issue Summary
Applying Global Rank puts unranked items at the top instead of the bottom
Steps to Reproduce
- Have some ranked items in global Backlog (which can be accessed through Enterprise menu) with the same PI
- Have these ranked in Portfolio-PI Backlog too (optionally)
- Create a new Epic, make sure it hasn't been ranked, and add the PI to it
- Go to the Forecast page, select the above PI
- Notice the unranked item created in Step 1 should be at the bottom in the initial view as expected
- Click Apply Backlog Rank and apply Global Rank
- Notice the unranked items are shown at the top
Expected Results
The new and unranked items should go to the bottom per our docs:
New work items added to the backlog appear at the bottom of the corresponding PI's forecast list.
Actual Results
When applying backlog on the Forecast page, unranked items move to the top.
Rank the unranked items in the related Backlog and it should apply rank as seen in the Backlog.
- is related to
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