Resolution: Fixed
Severity 3 - Minor
Issue Summary
Whenever updating a Goal the createDate field is being updated instead of lastUpdatedDate for Goals in Jira Align.
This is reproducible on Data Center: yes
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a Goal in Objectives tree in Jira Align
- Update any field of the created Goal in Jira Align
- Do a GET for the Goal created using API and check results
- Check the createDate and lastUpdatedDate, the createDate is being updated instead of lastUpdatedDate
Expected Results
lastUpdatedDate field to be updated when an update is done to a Goal
Actual Results
createDate field is being updated instead of lastUpdated
API GET using a created Goal
Response with
{ "id": 232, "type": 8, "description": "Mangala Goal - 2024", "parentId": 0, *"createDate": "2024-01-29T14:24:32Z",* "ownerId": "661808", "percentComplete": 0, "feasibility": 0, "importance": 0, "divisionId": null, "marketAssessment": null, "targetDate": "2024-03-31T00:00:00Z", * "lastUpdatedDate": "2023-12-13T07:26:29Z",* "reference": null, "snapshotIds": [ 85, 115 ], "allocations": [], "links": [], "self": "https://alignsupport.jiraalign.com/rest/align/api/2/goals/232" }
Update the lastUpdatedDate field using PATCH API command as in the example below:
curl -X 'PATCH' \ 'https://alignsupport.jiraalign.com/rest/align/api/2/Goals/232' \ -H 'accept: */*' \ -H 'Authorization: bearer APITOKEN -H 'Content-Type: application/json;odata.metadata=minimal;odata.streaming=true' \ -d '[ { "op": "replace", "path": "/lastUpdatedDate", "value": "2024-06-18T14:24:32Z" } ]'