Resolution: Fixed
Severity 3 - Minor
Issue Summary
The Jira connector is failing to connect with error and also When attempting to add a Jira project to integrate with Jira Align it's failing.
Steps to Reproduce
- Add a Jira Project in Jira Align -> Setting -> Connector -> Jira Setting -> Manage Project
- Test the Jira connector in Jira Align -> Settings > Jira Settings > Jira Connectors > Test Connection
Expected Results
The connector gets connected and the Project synced with no errors
Actual Results
The Test connection Fails with the following Splunk Log error:
{ [-]
Level: Error
MessageTemplate: Jira Not Connected {JiraAPIURL} [{ConnectionTestResponseTime}ms] {Errors} {JiraApiConnectionTest}
Properties: { [-]
Action: ConnectorTest
ConnectionTestResponseTime: 4903.9502
ConnectorId: 1
CorrelationId: c834f4aa76644e118cf5f5a0cdcf5339
Customer: Customer_Test
Errors: [ [-]
Exception: 0:
Event: CustomTimer
JiraApiConnectionTest: false
MachineName: PR-US-01-CON-2M
Method: TestAndAlertJiraConnection
Product: AgileCraft_Jira
ServiceName: AgileCraft_Jira_Test_1
SourceContext: AgileCraft_Jira.AgileCraft_Jira
ThreadId: 21
Timestamp: 2024-05-24T09:05:13.7416400-04:00
When attempting to add a Jira project to integrate with Jira Align the following error message:
A [Failed to get project [0:]] error was returned. Review the Jira Connector API Logs for additional information."
Currently, there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available
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