Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Severity 3 - Minor
Issue Summary
This is reproducible on Data Center: Yes
Feature reflecting in both Unplanned sprint and planned sprint.
Steps to Reproduce
- On the Program Board, with Program 1 + PI 1, open the feature panel
- Now open the Feature
- Change the PI to PI 2 and save and close
- Now with the panel open, select a Sprint in PI 2 for 'Team Target Completion Sprints' and close
- In this case, even though the Sprint is on PI 2 and was saved against it, the Program Board will only recognize it the PI 1 is selected.
Expected Results
Feature should be reflected in the Sprint selected in Feature.
Actual Results
In this case, even though the Sprint is on PI 2 and was saved against it, the Program Board will only recognize it the PI 1 is selected.
To fix the Feature, follow below steps:
- Keep both the 2 PIs selected under Program Increment dropdown on main page.
- Select the 'Team Target Completion Sprints' as Unassigned
- Close and open the feature
- Now select the correct Sprint once again.
- is reviewing
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- resolves
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