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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-6553

Start date/Portfolio ask date configured with date-picker customfield syncs one day less on Jira


    • 1
    • Severity 2 - Major
    • No

      Issue Summary

      • Start date is configured as Jira custom field of date picker type using new field management
      • Start Date on Jira Align updates Start Date on Jira by one day off (one day less)
      • When Jira syncs back to Jira Align, the date is reduced by one day on Jira Align as well.
      • This is reproducible on Jira Align On-prem and Cloud: Yes

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Make sure Jira and Jira Align servers are not set to UTC time. Issue is not replicable if both Jira and JA servers are set to use UTC time.
      2. Configure "Field Management" (new) with the start date set to a custom field date picker on Jira.
      3. choose the start date on Jira Align and wait for JA -> Jira sync. Jira start date shows one day less
      4. After a few more seconds/minutes, notice that Jira -> JA sync reduces one day less on Jira Align.
      5. Jira to Jira Align date picker works fine.
      6. When using system field such as "duedate", the sync works fine irrespective of server time.

      Expected Results

      Though the server times are not normalised to UTC, the date fields using custom field date pickers should sync without any date mismatch.

      Actual Results

      When the server times are not normalised to UTC, the date fields using custom field date pickers sync with any date mismatch (one day less is update on Jira)

      The below problematic date conversion on for both start date and portfolio ask date on the CS file JiraConnector.Services.JiraApiServices.JiraManager.cs:

      DateUtil.ToJsonApiString(acEpic.FeaturePortfolioAskDate) : null, fields);
      DateUtil.ToJsonApiString(acEpic.FeatureStartInitiationDate) : null, fields);
      DateUtil.ToJsonApiString(acEpic.FeatureTargetCompletionDate, false) : null, fields);


      The only workaround is to set both Jira and Jira Align servers in UTC time. This is not a possible solution for both cloud and on-prem as servers will be hosted in different regions in different datacenters

              fea1a6ef3355 Yannick Genin
              1b55d4e67612 Manideep Neeli
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              4 Start watching this issue
