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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-650

Program Board: Kanban Teams - Depends On Team, for a dependency causes the system to no see a committed sprint and turns feature red


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • 10.69
    • 10.51
    • program board
    • None
    • 4
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • Hide
      Create a dependency that has a Kanban team selected as the depends on team
      Then Commit the dependency
      Then navigate to the program board to see the warning message "There are conflict dependencies . with this feature"
      Create a dependency that has a Kanban team selected as the depends on team Then Commit the dependency Then navigate to the program board to see the warning message "There are conflict dependencies . with this feature"
    • Kanban teams are causing features to show show red due to the depend on commit date since Kanban teams don't have sprints.
    • Batman! - RHP9

      Steps to Reproduce:
      Create a dependency that has a Kanban team selected as the "depends on" team
      Commit the dependency
      Navigate to the program board to see the warning message "There are conflict dependencies . with this feature"

      Expected Results:
      Because kanban teams do have anchor dates, show the dependency on the kanban's team row in the program board in the sprint column that has a date range which best matches the need by date.

      If the kanban team does not have anchor dates that match the commit by date, show the red warning "There are conflict dependencies with this feature"

      Actual Results:
      Kanban teams are causing features to show show red due to the depend on commit date since Kanban teams don't have sprints

              cgottlieb@atlassian.com Caz (Inactive)
              ddortch@atlassian.com Darryl Dortch (Inactive)
              1 Vote for this issue
              10 Start watching this issue
