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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-6086

When copying an Epics using the "Copy-> Copy with Children" functionality, features appear multiple times with different stories

    • 4
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • No

      Issue Summary

      When copying an Epics using "Copy-> Copy with Children" functionality, features appear multiple times with different stories

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Create an Epic with more Features and stories (In the image is called Epic 7478)
      • Copy Epic 7478 using the "Copy-> Copy with Children" functionality, then features appear multiple times with different stories (see image)
      • For example one in yellow represents the first feature I created in the Epic and each time I add a new story all the stories are aggregated under the same feature
      • The ones in red and pink represent features created after the yellow feature and each time I add a new story to the red and pink features the feature is duplicated with the stories created. 

      Another example

      Suppose to have this scenario

      The ordering should group the Stories under the Feature, but that is being affected by the Stories name, which causes the issue.
      As an example, if we add "1" in front of the Story 902751 name the feature is split.

      Expected Results

      To have the feature not split with all stories 

      Actual Results

      Features are split and contains different stories 


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Align'
            1. Jira Align
            2. JIRAALIGN-6086

            When copying an Epics using the "Copy-> Copy with Children" functionality, features appear multiple times with different stories

              • 4
              • Severity 3 - Minor
              • No

                Issue Summary

                When copying an Epics using "Copy-> Copy with Children" functionality, features appear multiple times with different stories

                Steps to Reproduce

                • Create an Epic with more Features and stories (In the image is called Epic 7478)
                • Copy Epic 7478 using the "Copy-> Copy with Children" functionality, then features appear multiple times with different stories (see image)
                • For example one in yellow represents the first feature I created in the Epic and each time I add a new story all the stories are aggregated under the same feature
                • The ones in red and pink represent features created after the yellow feature and each time I add a new story to the red and pink features the feature is duplicated with the stories created. 

                Another example

                Suppose to have this scenario

                The ordering should group the Stories under the Feature, but that is being affected by the Stories name, which causes the issue.
                As an example, if we add "1" in front of the Story 902751 name the feature is split.

                Expected Results

                To have the feature not split with all stories 

                Actual Results

                Features are split and contains different stories 


                Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

                        5ed8ef87d2cd Karen Bradshaw
                        6463b86067ff Federica Marchetti
                        5 Vote for this issue
                        9 Start watching this issue


                              5ed8ef87d2cd Karen Bradshaw
                              6463b86067ff Federica Marchetti
                              Affected customers:
                              5 This affects my team
                              9 Start watching this issue
