Issue Summary
Incorrect status code 200 is documented in Swagger for Connector POST endpoints instead of 201, which is inconsistent with the actual behaviour and the rest of API POST request docs.
Steps to Reproduce
- Send a valid POST request to any of the Connector endpoints that accept it:
- POST /align/api/2/Connectors/{connectorId}/projects
- POST /align/api/2/Connectors/{connectorId}/boards
- POST /align/api/2/Connectors/{connectorId}/products
- POST /align/api/2/Connectors/{connectorId}/customFields/teams
- Observe the returned status is 201, which is consistent with the rest of the API behavior
- However in Swagger UI, for those endpoints, we see the success status code documented is 200
Expected Results
Swagger UI should show status code 201 for successful POST requests for the connector endpoints, to be consistent with the actual functionality and the rest of the documentation.
Actual Results
API returns status code 201, but Swagger UI indicates it should be status code 200.
Please use status code 201 to check for success.