Issue Summary
Executing the endpoint GET /align/api/2/features filtered by a Parent Id with more than 20 Parent Id in the resultset is breaking and throwing an error without being treated and not returning the values.
Cannot get features. The node count limit of '100' has been exceeded. To increase the limit, set the 'MaxNodeCount' property on EnableQueryAttribute or ODataValidationSettings.
- This is reproducible: (yes)
- Even using $skip or $top not working it throws the error anyway and does not retrieve the data
Steps to Reproduce
- Go to your Rest API application and execute the following endpoint
- GET /align/api/2/features + Filtered by Parent ID count more than 20
- Example:
Expected Results
If the default limit is 20, the result set for the execution should be the first 20 entry values instead of an error, and treat the other values e.g.. pagination, capability to use $skip or $top
Actual Results
Not returning any value/entry on the API Result set only the error:
Cannot get teams. The node count limit of '100' has been exceeded. To increase the limit, set the 'MaxNodeCount' property on EnableQueryAttribute or ODataValidationSettings.
[-] Exception: Microsoft.OData.ODataException: The node count limit of '100' has been exceeded. To increase the limit, set the 'MaxNodeCount' property on EnableQueryAttribute or ODataValidationSettings. at Community.OData.Linq.Builder.Validators.FilterQueryValidator.IncrementNodeCount(ODataValidationSettings validationSettings) at Community.OData.Linq.Builder.Validators.FilterQueryValidator.ValidateQueryNode(QueryNode node, ODataValidationSettings settings) at Community.OData.Linq.ODataLinqExtensions.Filter[T](ODataQuery`1 query, String filterText, String entitySetName) at AgileCraft.Repositories.Models.Filters.RepositoryBaseFilter.AddOData[TEntity](IQueryable`1 queryable) in C:\projects\alignapi\AgileCraft.Repositories\Models\Filters\RepositoryBaseFilter.cs:line 26 at AgileCraft.Repositories.CrudBase`1.GetQueryable(RepositoryBaseFilter filter, IDbTransaction transaction) in C:\projects\alignapi\AgileCraft.Repositories\CrudBase.cs:line 96 at AgileCraft.Services.FeatureService.GetByUserAccess(BaseFilter filter, IDbTransaction transaction) in C:\projects\alignapi\AgileCraft.Services\FeatureService.cs:line 747 at AgileCraft.Services.FeatureService.ExpandedGet(FeatureFilter filter, IDbTransaction transaction) in C:\projects\alignapi\AgileCraft.Services\FeatureService.cs:line 480 at AgileCraft.Services.FeatureService.Get(FeatureFilter filter) in C:\projects\alignapi\AgileCraft.Services\FeatureService.cs:line 81 at AgileCraft.Api.Controllers.BaseController`2.Get(String message, String errorMessage, TFilter filter) in C:\projects\alignapi\AgileCraft.Api\Controllers\BaseController.cs:line 131 Level: Error MessageTemplate: User: {User}, Role: {Role}, Authentication type: {AuthenticationType}, Method: {Method}, Message: {Message}, QueryString: {QueryString}, HttpStatus: {HttpStatus} Properties: { [-] ActionId: 853e8112-9766-4230-80c4-6d12ef073c8c ActionName: AgileCraft.Api.Controllers.FeaturesController.Get (AgileCraft.Api) AuthenticationType: USERIDTOKEN Build: ExceptionDetail: { [-] HResult: -2146233079 Message: The node count limit of '100' has been exceeded. To increase the limit, set the 'MaxNodeCount' property on EnableQueryAttribute or ODataValidationSettings. Source: Community.OData.Linq StackTrace: at Community.OData.Linq.Builder.Validators.FilterQueryValidator.IncrementNodeCount(ODataValidationSettings validationSettings) at Community.OData.Linq.Builder.Validators.FilterQueryValidator.ValidateQueryNode(QueryNode node, ODataValidationSettings settings) at Community.OData.Linq.ODataLinqExtensions.Filter[T](ODataQuery`1 query, String filterText, String entitySetName) at AgileCraft.Repositories.Models.Filters.RepositoryBaseFilter.AddOData[TEntity](IQueryable`1 queryable) in C:\projects\alignapi\AgileCraft.Repositories\Models\Filters\RepositoryBaseFilter.cs:line 26 at AgileCraft.Repositories.CrudBase`1.GetQueryable(RepositoryBaseFilter filter, IDbTransaction transaction) in C:\projects\alignapi\AgileCraft.Repositories\CrudBase.cs:line 96 at AgileCraft.Services.FeatureService.GetByUserAccess(BaseFilter filter, IDbTransaction transaction) in C:\projects\alignapi\AgileCraft.Services\FeatureService.cs:line 747 at AgileCraft.Services.FeatureService.ExpandedGet(FeatureFilter filter, IDbTransaction transaction) in C:\projects\alignapi\AgileCraft.Services\FeatureService.cs:line 480 at AgileCraft.Services.FeatureService.Get(FeatureFilter filter) in C:\projects\alignapi\AgileCraft.Services\FeatureService.cs:line 81 at AgileCraft.Api.Controllers.BaseController`2.Get(String message, String errorMessage, TFilter filter) in C:\projects\alignapi\AgileCraft.Api\Controllers\BaseController.cs:line 131 Type: Microsoft.OData.ODataException } HttpStatus: 400 Message: Cannot get features. The node count limit of '100' has been exceeded. To increase the limit, set the 'MaxNodeCount' property on EnableQueryAttribute or ODataValidationSettings. Method: GET Product: AgileCraft.Api QueryString: ?expand=true&$filter=parentId eq 5847 or parentId eq 5879 or parentId eq 5933or parentId eq 6059 or parentId eq 6085 or parentId eq 6089or parentId eq 6091 or parentId eq 6165 or parentId eq 6176 or parentId eq 6233 or parentId eq 6245 or parentId eq 6247 or parentId eq 6254 or parentId eq 6255 or parentId eq 6293 or parentId eq 6294 or parentId eq 6295 or parentId eq 6296 or parentId eq 6297 or parentId eq 6298 or parentId eq 6299&$top=100&$skip=0 RequestId: 80015055-0002-ec00-b63f-84710c7967bb RequestPath: /rest/align/api/2/features Role: 3 SourceContext: AgileCraft.Api.Controllers.FeaturesController User: 14257 } RenderedMessage: User: "14257", Role: 3, Authentication type: USERIDTOKEN, Method: "GET", Message: "Cannot get features. The node count limit of '100' has been exceeded. To increase the limit, set the 'MaxNodeCount' property on EnableQueryAttribute or ODataValidationSettings.", QueryString: "?expand=true&$filter=parentId eq 5847 or parentId eq 5879 or parentId eq 5933or parentId eq 6059 or parentId eq 6085 or parentId eq 6089or parentId eq 6091 or parentId eq 6165 or parentId eq 6176 or parentId eq 6233 or parentId eq 6245 or parentId eq 6247 or parentId eq 6254 or parentId eq 6255 or parentId eq 6293 or parentId eq 6294 or parentId eq 6295 or parentId eq 6296 or parentId eq 6297 or parentId eq 6298 or parentId eq 6299&$top=100&$skip=0", HttpStatus: 400
- mentioned in
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