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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-5310

Epic Grid - Parenting Features to Epics when capabilities are enabled breaks the Epic Grid


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Low Low
    • 10.131.2
    • 10.123.2
    • Epics - Grid
    • 2
    • Severity 2 - Major
    • No

      Issue Summary

      I detected a condition that allows me to add an Epic as a Feature parent when the capability is enabled. (Explained in Steps to reproduce)
      By nature, once you enable capabilities your Features must have a direct Capability instead of Epic. Bypassing that rule breaks the epic grid with a Whoops error for all the users and blocking the Epic Grid until fixing the parenting

      This is reproducible Yes

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create an Epic in a Portfolio which has Capabilities enabled
      2. Now create a Feature in another portfolio with no capabilities enabled
      3. Notice, in the Feature you are able to see the Epic from the other Portfolio and if you link them, Feature > Epic, it causes the behavior in the summary

      Expected Results

      Not able to set feature Parent's Epics from Capabilities Portfolios, or not throws the error

      Actual Results

      It throws Whoops error, and blocks the Epic grid for every single user until fix the parenting

      "ErrorID:1868,\tErrorType:\t5\nSQL:\tEXEC RPM_GET_FEATURE_GRP_LIST 30, 1,N'%%',N' And (p.IterationGroup in (14) Or p.FeatureGroupID in (Select FeatureGroupID from tblFeatureGroupMultiProgramRel Where ProgramID in (14))) And ((EpicObjectID = 2) or (EpicObjectID is null and parentid is Null))','p.FeatureGroupID DESC','14',9,NULL,NULL,NULL,'12',NULL,1,NULL,0,NULL,N'',N'FeatureCount,TotalCapabilityItems,CommentCount,AcceptanceCount,Tags,BubbleColor,FullName,UID,TotalBlockedFeatures,State,Split,ExternalKey,IterationGroup,GroupName,FeatureGroupID','',2\nError:\tError in SetRS: EXEC RPM_GET_FEATURE_GRP_LIST 30, 1,N'%%',N' And (p.IterationGroup in (14) Or p.FeatureGroupID in (Select FeatureGroupID from tblFeatureGroupMultiProgramRel Where ProgramID in (14))) And ((EpicObjectID = 2) or (EpicObjectID is null and parentid is Null))','p.FeatureGroupID DESC','14',9,NULL,NULL,NULL,'12',NULL,1,NULL,0,NULL,N'',N'FeatureCount,TotalCapabilityItems,CommentCount,AcceptanceCount,Tags,BubbleColor,FullName,UID,TotalBlockedFeatures,State,Split,ExternalKey,IterationGroup,GroupName,FeatureGroupID','',2 Error=(The statement has been terminated.\r\nThe CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name 'dbo.#Blocked____________________________________________________________________________________________________________0000004A7B56' and the index name 'temp1'. The duplicate key value is (368).)\nPage:\thttps://CUSTOMER.jiraalign.com/EpicGrid.aspx?FirstTime=True\nDate:\t2023-08-22 14:09:46\nUser:\t14 USER\r\n\r\n  


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. 

            dfuller@atlassian.com Don Fuller
            f58471712ff6 Victor Fragoso
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
