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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-5117

Setting a non-accepted state is not blocked in an accepted Jira Integrated Story until the Accepted Date is set by the Jira Connector.


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      Issue Summary

      If a Jira integrated story is marked as Accepted in Jira Align by accident and the Jira Align user notices their error before the Accepted Date is set (by the Jira Connector),  then the Jira Align console still lets let them adjust either the process step or the state to a non-accepted value however this change will not reach Jira (and additionally will not keep the State and Process Steps in sync inside Jira Align itself if map to State is enabled)

      If the user waits long enough for the accepted date to be set (so long enough for Sync from JA to Jira of Status to Done followed by the sync of Jira to JA of Accepted Date) then the ability to change either State or Process step in the JA console is blocked. 

      Unfortunately as the time gap where the block is not in place is easily long enough for an end user to spot their mistake and change the state in Jira Align (which is not sent to Jira) this can cause a mismatch between Jira And Jira Align As this mismatch does not generate errors it may not be noticed and may also revert the Jira Align status to the wrong state of Accepted during the next sync . 

      Note: the lack of blocking the selections in the State or Process Step dropdowns can also happen after the accepted date is set, if the user has kept the details panel open without a refresh. 

      It appears that we currently block the State or Process Step dropdowns from being selected to a non-accepted state based on the Accepted Date and the Accepted Date can only be set by the Jira Connector which introduces a possible delay when an  Accepted state is set in Jira. Align . It might be better to somehow check if Accepted is being set in Jira Align on an Integrated story and immediately set the Accepted Date without relying on the Jira connector. 


      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create 2 stories in Jira with  a To DO status, 
      2. Make sure both stories have been created in Jira Align by the connector
      3. In one story change the state in Jira Align to Accepted, click save and close.
      4. Refresh the same story in Jira until the Done status is set and then immediately re-open the details  of the story in Jira Align and change the state or the process step to a non-accepted value and click save - it will let you do it, but the change out of Done will not  reach Jira (and the actual sync of the Accepted date slightly afterwards will probably set Jira Align back to Accepted. )
      5. In the other story change the state or process step in Jira Align to Accepted and click save and close
      6. Wait for long enough for Done to be set on that second story in Jira and for the Accepted date to be updated into Jira Align - you can check the audit log to be sure this has happened, although make sure you refresh the details screen after the accepted date is set 
      7. You should not be able to set any process steps or states in the second Jira Align Story .


      Expected Results

      Jira Align should block the ability to change the state or process step as soon as an Accepted state (or equivalent) process step) is set in a Jira Integrated story, it should not wait for a sync of Status to Jira, followed by a sync of Accepted Date back to Jira Align to occur before blocking the dropdown choices for State and Process Step.  

      Actual Results

      After accepted is set, Jira Align continues to allow non-accepted states / process steps to be chosen until the Accepted Date is set by the Jira Connector (which in some environments could easily be up to 20 minutes later.)


      There is no current work around covering how to ensure the block is in place for choosing non-accepted states in Jira integrated stories when Accepted is the current state.
      A general work around is that once integrated stories are marked as Accepted, only change their state to non-accepted by using the Jira Console. Using the Jira Console will also correct any mismatches that may be in place due to changing the state in Jira Align. 

              2d32ad8bdc34 Andrew Zhang
              1b00672850a3 Colin Weaver
              3 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
