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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-510

Program Board: User is not informed that Target Completion of Story is after Dependency Target Completion


    • 1
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • Hide

      1. Login.

      2. Create Dependency without planning issues. Request it to some sprint and commit to same sprint.

      3. Assign story that is planned for some future sprint to this Dependency.

      4. Check Program Board.
      Steps: 1. Login. 2. Create Dependency without planning issues. Request it to some sprint and commit to same sprint. 3. Assign story that is planned for some future sprint to this Dependency. 4. Check Program Board.
    • We need to signalize users that Story target completion is after Dependency planned completion.
    • AR: Dependency shows no planning issues.
    • No

      Program Board: User is not informed that Target Completion of Story is after Dependency Target Completion

      1. Login. 
      2. Create Dependency without planning issues. Request it to some sprint and commit to same sprint. 
      3. Assign story that is planned for some future sprint to this Dependency. 
      4. Check Program Board. 

      We need to signalize users that Story target completion is after Dependency planned completion. 

      AR: Dependency shows no planning issues. 

            4f593be5d819 Anna Eshlin De Kassal (Inactive)
            rpetrunyak@atlassian.com Roman Petrunyak (Inactive)
            2 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
