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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-5048

A Jira Epic is not being synced to Align as a new Feature after having its JiraKey already synced and replaced in Align once in the past.


    • 5
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • No

      Issue Summary

      A Jira Epic is not being synced to Align as a new Feature after having its JiraKey already synced and replaced in Align once in the past. 


      Reproducible: YES

      Steps to Reproduce

        1. Sync a Jira Epic to JA feature using Project "A", let us call it A-01
        2. Go to the Jira align Project mapping and remove "A"
        3. As a result all the JA Features will lose their Jira Project Field content
        4. In your JA Feature created in step 1, add another Jira Project to sync, Project "B"
        5. Wait until it syncs with the new JiraKey, B-01
        6. Remap Project "A" into Jira Align
        7. Note that now, you have 2 Jira Epics pointing to the same Jira Align Feature (A-01 and B-01)
        8. Now try to delete manually the Web link in Jira Epic A-01 in order to re-sync this issue to JA as a new Feature
        9. Try to force the sync from Jira to Align.
        10. Note that A-01 don't sync anymore to Align in anyway and on their Splunk last event it presents an "Child Feature, not updating" event like the one below:
             Level: Warning
             MessageTemplate: Child Feature, not updating
             Properties: { [-]
               Action: RunJiraIssueSync
               ConnectorId: 1
               CorrelationId: 098bfaea4d9c4287b719c0a0dba48d52
               CustomJQL: null
               Customer: Alignsupport
               Event: IssueTimer
               IssueId: 14230
               IssueKey: VIC-81
               JQL: project = 'VIC' AND issuetype = '10000' AND (created >= -26m or updated >= -26m)
               JiraIssueType: 10000
               JiraObjects: CreateEpics
               JiraProjectKey: VIC
               MachineName: PA-US-02-CON-CD
               Method: RunJira_ProcessProject_SyncJiraToAgileCraft
               ProcessingType: Serial
               Product: AgileCraft_Jira
               ServiceName: AgileCraft_Jira_Alignsupport_1
               SourceContext: AgileCraft_Jira.AgileCraft
               ThreadId: 4

      Expected Results


      My expectation is the Jira EPic  A-01 should be able to be synced again into Jira Align

      Actual Results

      A-01 don't sync anymore to Align in anyway, follow log file:

         Level: Warning
         MessageTemplate: Child Feature, not updating
         Properties: { [-]
           Action: RunJiraIssueSync
           ConnectorId: 1
           CorrelationId: 098bfaea4d9c4287b719c0a0dba48d52
           CustomJQL: null
           Customer: Alignsupport
           Event: IssueTimer
           IssueId: 14230
           IssueKey: VIC-81
           JQL: project = 'VIC' AND issuetype = '10000' AND (created >= -26m or updated >= -26m)
           JiraIssueType: 10000
           JiraObjects: CreateEpics
           JiraProjectKey: VIC
           MachineName: PA-US-02-CON-CD
           Method: RunJira_ProcessProject_SyncJiraToAgileCraft
           ProcessingType: Serial
           Product: AgileCraft_Jira
           ServiceName: AgileCraft_Jira_Alignsupport_1
           SourceContext: AgileCraft_Jira.AgileCraft
           ThreadId: 4


      The current work around is to duplicate the affected Jira Epic on Jira side forcing the creation of a new JiraKay that will sync fine to Jira Align

            csmith1@atlassian.com Cap Smith
            f58471712ff6 Victor Fragoso
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