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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-4829

Non Super Admin can change Team type


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: High High
    • 10.119.1
    • 10.117.2
    • Team - Move
    • 1
    • Severity 2 - Major
    • No

      Issue Summary

      Being able to change team type (from Agile to Kanban for example) is limited to the Super Admin role ID 9, however it's still possible to do it with a different role and with lower permissions.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Go to Teams grid, select an Agile or Kanban team
      2. Observe that for a Super Admin role ID 9, Type drown down is available
        • but not for a different role ID
      3. It's possible to inspect the HTML and modify it to submit the form with a different type, please see the internal comment for details
      4. Non Super Admin user is not restricted on the backend to make this change

      Expected Results

      The dropdown for the Team type is NOT available in the UI to Non Super Admin users, so it should not be possible to modify the type.

      PM to please clarify whether this behavior is intended.

      Actual Results

      It's possible to submit the different team type with a non-admin user and it saves successfully.


      Currently, there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available.

            dfuller@atlassian.com Don Fuller
            c7f2a2ebc58e Kirill Duplyakin
            1 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
