Resolution: Fixed
Severity 2 - Major
Issue Summary
Users are experiencing a Whoops Error in the Capabilities Grid (CapabalitiesGrid.asp)
Steps to Reproduce
- Non-"Super Admin" user
- Tries to navigate to capabilitiesgrid.asp with 2 Releases selected (more info in comments)
Expected Results
Can view Capabilities list
Actual Results
Whoops error, and cannot view Capabilities List
{ [-] ASP_function: OOFunctionsSql.SetRSParamsCursor correlationid: J69gSb1t54LbUJTAsfOjZrs7WQmXEr3nzz5S/HWEdSA= customer_db: <customer> error_description: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'And'. error_id: 58223 error_number: -2147217900 error_source: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0 log_type: exception logfrom_location: Website-ASP sql: EXEC RPM_GET_FEATURE_GRP_LIST 30, 1,N'%%',N' AND And ((EpicObjectID = xx) or (EpicObjectID is null and parentid is not Null)) ','p.FeatureGroupID DESC','xxxx',xx,NULL,NULL,NULL,'xx,xx',NULL,xx,NULL,0,NULL, N'',N'ParentEpic,AcceptanceCount,FeatureCount,ParentID,CommentCount,BubbleColor,FullName,UID,TotalBlockedFeatures,Split,State,GroupName,FeatureGroupID',N'',43 timestamp: 2022-10-27T13:28:45.351000-04:00 url: https://customername.jiraalign.com:443/CapabilitiesGrid.asp?FirstTime=True urlverb: GET user: 1086 version: }
Note the SQL has "AND" duplicated
N'%%',N' AND And ((EpicObjectID
As the "And" has two lowercase letters, it appears to be coming from Grids.asp lines 965 and 967
Impersonate a user that can access the Capabilities Grid
- Navigate to Capabilities
- Apply a Filter, eg Primary Program = "Program A"
- Collect the URL
- Provide the URL to the user that cannot access the Capabilities Grid
As long as they keep using a filter from the "Apply Filters" section, the Capabilities Grid will load correctly.
- relates to
PS-113202 Loading...
- resolves
ALIGNSP-17013 Loading...