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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-4513

Disabling Ideation permission does not prevent access to Ideation


    • 2
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • No

      Issue Summary

      There are two locations where Ideation permissions can be found:

      1. Product > Ideas > Ideation 
      2. Enterprise > Manage > Ideation 

      And the disabling behaviour is inconsistent.

      The permissions are linked when enabling, but when disabling, does not disable the other permission.

      Steps to Reproduce

      Making changes:
       Enterprise > Manage > Ideation to ON will turn ON Product > Ideas > Ideation
       Enterprise > Manage > Ideation to OFF makes no change to  Product > Ideas > Ideation
      Product > Ideas > Ideation to ON will turn ON  Enterprise > Manage > Ideation
      Product > Ideas > Ideation to OFF makes no change to Enterprise > Manage > Ideation

      This creates a situation where an admin thinks they have disabled access to the Ideation page for a Role, but in fact that Role still has access.

      Expected Results

      Switching the toggle to disabled on either permission should disable the other toggle.

      Actual Results

      Switching the toggle to disabled on one, does NOT disable the other toggle.



      Manually disable both permissions.

            dfuller@atlassian.com Don Fuller
            81fb6d9e7236 Heidi Hendry (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
