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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-4511

The Select list for Ideation Group's Admins and Internal Contributors fields shows all the pre-selected names as well, instead of just showing only the name matching the search criteria


    • 1
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • No

      Issue Summary

      The Select list for Ideation Group's Admins and Internal Contributors fields shows all the pre-selected names as well, instead of just showing only the name matching the search criteria.

      When searching to add a new Internal Contributor (or Admin) in Ideation Group, the users name doesn't pop-up like it did in the past Jira Align versions. Now in the newer versions, user needs to scroll to the bottom of the list of current Internal Contributors list (or current Admins list) to see the new name displayed and select it from there.


      • Tested on the version 10.105.2. On this version, only the name matching the search criteria is shown in the select list. Pre-selected names are not displayed in the Select list.
      • Tested in the latest version (10.112.3) and observed the above described difference in behavior. Now the Select list shows all the currently selected users and then displays the name that is matching the search criteria at the very bottom of the list.
      • On Premise customer observed this change in behavior on 10.111.2.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Navigate to Ideation from Jira Align
      2. Click Setup
      3. Select the Group
      4. In the Internal Contributors field, type some user name in the search bar to add
      5. Notice the Select list shows all the selected names
      6. The name that is being searched to add shows at the very bottom of the list
      7. Observe the same behavior in Admins select list

      Expected Results

       Should display only the user names that match the search criteria

      Actual Results

      User name matching the search criteria is displayed at the end after the current selected names


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

              dfuller@atlassian.com Don Fuller
              d17ac5cdefe0 tthapa
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