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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-4025

Program Board: User with access to only one Program can add/remove teams from other Programs


    • 1
    • Severity 2 - Major
    • No

      Issue Summary

      The Program Board shows when filtering on the tier1 navigation bar for programs increments, all the programs that have been added to the program increments "Programs, Products, and Regions" tab.
      Users who have only access (with Teams of teams or RTE role) to one Program of the PI and therefore no portfolio access, no team access) are allowed to edit (assign/remove) the teams field from the quick view of features that belong to other programs.

      Steps to Reproduce

      You need to have a portfolio with several programs, teams, features, and program increments that are associated with all or multiple programs of the portfolio under the "Programs, Products, and Regions" tab.

      1. Create a user with for example the default team lead role.
      2. Add the user as a member (with Teams of teams or RTE role) to one of the programs of a Portfolio .
        (make sure the user is only added to the team of the given program and not )
      3. Login to the JA instance as the user created in step 1.
      4. Go to the Program icon in the left navigation menu and select Program Board under Manage.

      Expected Results

      A user, not a member of the Agile Team/Program Team/Portfolio team related to the Work item (e.g. Feature), should not be able to add or remove teams from it.

      Actual Results

      The user is able to see and can perform changes to the Features of the other Programs he is not a member of:

      • User cannot:
        • Edit details of the feature
        • Change the commitment of the team
      • User Can:
        • Assign the feature to different teams from the program view board.


      Currently, there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

            99bfc1506543 Jake Comito
            646db21d89d1 Francois Panaget
            5 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
