Resolution: Fixed
Severity 1 - Critical
Issue Summary
In v10.104.x, automatic estimate conversion is clearing the T-Shirt estimation points when syncing from Jira after 10.104.x change
Steps to Reproduce
- Set your JA portfolio estimation to T-Shirt.
- Make sure feature points are synced(ON by default in most instance)
- Enable Feature Point Sync = Yes
- Allow bidirectional syncing of points for features = Yes
- Update a JA feature that is synced with a Jira Epic. (Change the description)
- Wait for it to sync to Jira.
- Once synced, you will notice there is now a field "Story Points"
- Clear the "Story Points" field and update the Jira Epic description to trigger a connector sync.
Expected Results
T-Shirt size should not be changed.
Actual Results
T-Shirt size is getting cleared when synced.
By External System on 07/02/2022 02:03:25
Updated -
Description- From [Updated from Jira - Large] To [Updated from Jira - Large This will clear estimation]
DescriptionRich- From [] To [Updated from Jira - LargeThis will clear estimation]
Points- From [12] To [0]
TW/MW- From [4.002] To [0]
T-Shirt- From [Small] To [No estimate]
Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available
- causes
ALIGNSP-12903 Loading...
ALIGNSP-12905 Loading...
- is related to
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ALIGNSP-12778 Loading...
ALIGNSP-12779 Loading...
- mentioned in
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- relates to
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ALIGNSP-12752 Loading...
ALIGNSP-12761 Loading...
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- resolves
ALIGNSP-12720 Loading...
ALIGNSP-12751 Loading...
ALIGNSP-12754 Loading...
ALIGNSP-12769 Loading...
ALIGNSP-12770 Loading...
ALIGNSP-12772 Loading...
ALIGNSP-12817 Loading...
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PS-90227 Loading...