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  1. Jira Align
  2. JIRAALIGN-3893

API - PATCH a target Sync Sprint to a Kanban Team Objective generate duplicates in Team Room, Program Room and Program board.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Low Low
    • 10.107.0
    • 10.103.2
    • REST API
    • 2
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • No

      Issue Summary

      Once you execute a PATCH method sending a target Sync Sprint to a Kanban Team Objective it generates duplicate entries in the Team Room, Program Room, and Program board.



          “op”: “replace”,
          “path”: “targetSyncSprintId”,
          “value”: 1750



      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a Team Objective for a kanban team
      2. execute a PATCH method in JA API passing only the targetSyncSprintId (according to the example in the description)
      3. The PATCH will be successfully done
      4. Check the Team Room, Program Room or Program board for the sprint you added the Objective.
      5. Note that Kanban Teams doesn't have sprints or even the field in the UI to be populated but the entries will appear in those 3 pages duplicated

      Expected Results

      PATCH target Sync Sprint to a Kanban Team Objective should be not accepted and even not appear on the Team Room, Program Room or Program board

      Actual Results

      PATCH is accepted and the entries are showing  up duplicated in Team Room, Program Room or Program board



      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior.

            kforeman@atlassian.com Kyle Foreman
            f58471712ff6 Victor Fragoso
            4 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue
